24 de julio de 2010


No había hecho una entrada por el final de Vampire diaries!
jajaja Esa es la razón de esta... una entrada llena de videos, con spoliers y más spoliers para los que no terminaron de ver la serie

Para recordarles...
qué beso!, cuánta sangre!, Jeremy!!!, katherine!!, John!!!
Lo que es el poder del amor, la locura y la sangre ♥
Ese beso me hace acordar a la parte más tierna y hermosa de toda la serie:
Sumemos este baile y el beso y tenemos un ♥
Pero no tengo interes en que Elena se quede con Damon, él es mío jajaja :P
Trailer hecho por fans de la segunda temporada:
Muy bueno jajaja, los/las que lo hicieron se mataron. Lo mejor es que Stefan sale con Kristen Stewart :P
Otro buen trailer:
Les dejo como extra a mi dúo preferido:
Alaric y Damon, duros de matar

El mejor de los videos del equipo Dalaric no pude conseguir el embed, para verlo click aquí
Y para el Team Damon:
Hell Yes!!
Womanizer ♪

Gives you hell

I wake up every evening
With a big smile on my face
And it never feels out of place.
And you're still probably working
At a 9 to 5 pace
I wonder how bad that tastes

When you see my face
I hope it gives you hell,
I hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way
I hope it gives you hell,
I hope it gives you hell

Now where's your picket fence love
And where's that shiny car
Did it ever get you far?
You never seemed so tense, love
Never seen you fall so hard
Do you know where you are?

Truth be told I miss you
Truth be told I'm lying

When you see my face
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way
I hope it gives you hell, I hope it gives you hell
If you find a man that's worth the damn and treats you well
Then he's a fool you're just as well hope it gives you hell
Hope it gives you hell

Tomorrow you'll be thinking to yourself
Where did it all go wrong?
But the list goes on and on
Truth be told I miss you
Truth be told I'm lying

When you see my face
I hope it gives you hell,
I hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way
I hope it gives you hell,
I hope it gives you hell
If you find a man that's worth the damn and treats you well
Then he's a fool you're just as well hope it gives you hell

Now you'll never see
What you've done to me
You can take back your memories
They're no good to me
And here's all your lies
If you look me in the eyes
With the sad, sad look
That you wear so well

When you see my face
I hope it gives you hell,
I hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way
I hope it gives you hell,
I hope it gives you hell
If you find a man that's worth the damn and treats you well
Then he's a fool you're just as well hope it gives you hell

When you see my face
I hope it gives you hell,
I hope it gives you hell
(hope it gives you hell)
When you walk my way
I hope it gives you hell,
I hope it gives you hell
(hope it gives you hell)
When you hear this song
and you sing along
well you'll never tell
And you're the fool
I've just as well
I hope it gives you hell
When you hear this song
I hope that it will give you hell
You can sing along
I hope it puts you through hell

By: The allmerican rejects

23 de julio de 2010

Smile :)

When you first left me
I was wanting more
but you were fu**ing that girl next door
what did you do that for

When you first left me
I didn't know what to say
I'd never been on my own that way
just sat by myself all day

I was so lost back then
but with a little help from my friends
I found the light in the tunnel at the end

Now you're calling me up on the phone
so you can have a little wine and
I moan it's only because you're feeling alone

At first when I see you cry
it makes me smile
yeah it makes me smile
At worst I feel bad for a while
but then I just smile
I go ahead and smile

Whenever you see me
you say that you want me back
and I tell you it dont mean jack
no it dont mean jack

I couldnt stop laughing
no I just couldnt help myself
see you messed up my mental health
i was quite unwell

I was so lost back then
but with a little help from my friends
I found the light in the tunnel at the end

Now you're calling me up on the phone
so you can have a little wine and
I moan it's only because you're feeling alone

At first when I see you cry
it makes me smile
yeah it makes me smile
At worst I feel bad for a while
but then I just smile
I go ahead and smile

lalala ♪

At first when I see you cry
it makes me smile
yeah it makes me smile
At worst I feel bad for a while
but then I just smile
I go ahead and smile

lalala ♪

At first when I see you cry
it makes me smile
yeah it makes me smile
At worst I feel bad for a while
but then I just smile
I go ahead and smile

By: Lily Allen

18 de julio de 2010


Deliros en Estado de Lucidez cumple su primer añito.
Desde acá también deseo un feliz cumpleños =D

16 de julio de 2010

Ese tipo de hombres

Abrí los ojos ¿Por qué? Mejor dicho ¿Para qué?
La misma habitación de paredes verdes, la misma ventana con las persianas bajas, la misma oscuridad, el mismo desastre de los días anteriores.
El dolor de cabeza era terrible. Me levanté con un poco de esfuerzo, llevaba la misma ropa sucia, arrugada y con olor a humo de hacía tres días.
Me dolía todo el cuerpo, en especial la espalda; Otra vez había dormido en el suelo del living-comedor. Patié de camino al bañño un par de botellas vacías. No tardé mucho en llegar, el departamento era pequeño de ta sólo dos ambientes: La habitación, el living-comedor, la cocina y un baño. Poco espacio pero con un balconcito que daba a la calle.
No prendí las luces ya que me habrían encandilado. Vivía en la oscuridad por esos días.
El sol se filtraba apenas por la ventana del baño que había tapado con una toalla, eso me permitió verme al espejo: El pelo color chocolate revuelto, el delineador corrido, las ojeras y la cara manchada de uno vaya a saber qué. No quise seguir viendo esa imagen abrí la puerta del botiquín y me tragué, sin necesidad de agua, tres bayaspirinas.
Me acomodé languidamente en el balcón de la cocina, veía una calle gris de dos de la tarde de lo que seguramente era un domingo. Encendí un cigarrillo y me crucé de brazos exhalando un halo de humo.
Qué vida aburrida.
Muy aburrida.
Me había obligado a hacerlo, no era mi culpa, nunca lo fue. Yo había sido lo que un hombresiempre quiso y el había sido mi mundo. Pero me prometí no llorar, no, nunca por un hombre. Menos por uno como él. Uno de esos tipos que se creen perfectos, que creen tenerlo todo. Que te sonríen y te llenan de promesas vacías. Que tienen dinero para llevarte de paseo y te rescatan de aquella aburrida rutina que es el día a día. Te regalan flores en el día de tu cumpleaños, una fecha que todos ya habían olvidado. De esos que tocan tu vals preferido en su piano y luego te besan como ningún otro hombre en la tierra. El tipo de hombres que rozan tu piel y te queman, que te hipnotizan con sus ojos claros y sus manos ágiles, que te desnudan y se divierten jugando contigo.
Sí, ese tipo de hombres.
Que luego te cruzas besanodo el cuello de una rubia bonita y con escote camino hacia el cine.
Sí, ese tipo de hombres. Apagué el cigarrillo contra una maseta.
El tipo de hombres que se hayan duros y fríos, con sangre seca y un cuchillo clavado en el corazón desde hace cuatro días en el típico cuarto de paredes verdes de un pequeño y simple departamento de dos ambientes, un baño y una cocina.

12 de julio de 2010


If I'm a bad person, you don't like me
Well I guess I'll make my own way
It's a circle
A mean cycle
I can't excite you anymore
Where's your gavel? Your jury?
What's my offense this time?
You're not a judge but if you're gonna judge me
Well sentence me to another life

Don't wanna hear your sad songs
I don't wanna feel your pain
When you swear it's all my fault
Cause you know we're not the same(no)
We're not the same(no)
Oh we're not the same
Yeah the friends who stuck together
We wrote our names in blood
But I guess you can't accept that the change is good(hey)
It's good(hey)
It's good

Well you treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out
You treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out

Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend

This is the best thing that could've happened
Any longer and I wouldn't have made it
It's not a war no, it's not a rapture
I'm just a person but you can't take it
The same tricks that, that once fooled me
They won't get you anywhere
I'm not the same kid from your memory
Well now I can fend for myself

Don't wanna hear your sad songs
I don't wanna feel your pain
When you swear it's all my fault
Cause you know we're not the same (no)
We're not the same (no)
Oh we're not the same
Yeah we used to stick together
We wrote our names in blood
But I guess you can't accept that the change is good (hey)
It's good (hey)
It's good

Well you treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out
You treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out

Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend
Ignorance is your new best friend

Well you treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out
You treat me just like another stranger
Well it's nice to meet you sir
I guess I'll go
I best be on my way out
I best be on my way out

By: Paramore

11 de julio de 2010

Un paso adelante requiere inevitablemente de otro paso adelante.
Ruggiero Romano
(Los conquistadores)
P.D: Sí, Vall, reíte conmigo :)

10 de julio de 2010

Sharon Tate

Sharon Marie Tate(24 de enero de 1943 – 9 de agosto de 1969) nació en Dallas, Texas, la primera de tres hijas de la relación entre Paul Tate, un oficial del Ejército de los Estados Unidos, y su esposa, Doris. Fue una actriz y modelo estadounidense. Fue aclamada como una de las promesas de Hollywood y nominada a un Globo de Oro por su actuación en la película de 1967 Valley of the Dolls. En esta misma época aparecía con regularidad en revistas de moda como modelo y chica de portada. Se casó en 1968 con el director de cine Roman Polanski. Estaba embarazada de ocho meses y medio cuando fue asesinada por seguidores de Charles Manson en su casa, junto a cuatro personas más.
La madrugada del 9 de agosto de 1969, durante una noche en la que la actriz se encontraba en su mansión de California junto con otros amigos (Polanski estaba en Londres) miembros de la secta de Charles Manson irrumpen en su casa y los asesinaron. Tate con 8 meses de embarazo, fue asesinada por Susan Atkins con 11 puñaladas tras implorar por la vida de su hijo a lo que una fría Atkins respondió "no voy a tener clemencia contigo, zorra". No sólo la acuchilló sino que la arrastró con una cuerda por la estancia y luego cometió varios abusos antes de darle una feroz muerte por desangramiento. Fue la limpiadora la que a la mañana siguiente encontró los cuerpos y llamó a la policía. Polanski quedó devastado y viajó a los EE.UU para dar sepultura a su esposa e hijo no nato.
Sharon está enterrada en el Holy Cross Cementery en Culver City, California. Ante la falta de ofertas por la casa donde fue asesinada, ésta fue demolida en 1994, cambiando la dirección 10050 a 10066.




Cultivate your hunger before you idealize
motivate your anger, make them all realize
climbing the mountain, never coming down
break into the contents, never falling down
My knee is still shaking, like i was 12
sneaking out the classroom, by the back door
a man railed at me twice though
but i didn't care
waiting is wasting, for people like me
Don't try, to live so wise
don't cry, 'cause you're so right
don't dry, with fakes or fears
'cause you will hate yourself in the end
Don't try, to live so wise
don't cry, 'cause you're so right
don't dry, with fakes or fears
'cause you will hate yourself in the end
You say, dreams are dreams
i am, not playing the fool anymore
you say, 'cause i still got my soul
Take your time baby, your blood needs slowing down
breach your soul to reach yourself before you gloom
reflection of fear makes shadows of nothing, shadows of nothing
You still are blind, if you see a winding road
'cause there's always a straight way to the point you see
Don't try, to live so wise
don't cry, 'cause you're so right
don't dry, with fakes or fears
'cause you will hate yourself in the end
Don't try, to live so wise
don't cry, 'cause you're so right
don't dry, with fakes or fears
'cause you will hate yourself in the end
Don't try, to live so wise
don't cry, 'cause you're so right
don't dry, with fakes or fears
'cause you will hate yourself in the end
'cause you will hate yourself in the end
'cause you will hate yourself in the end
'cause you will hate yourself in the end
'cause you will hate yourself in the end...

By: Akeboshi


Tengo que decirte algo, es muy importante.
No puedo esperar màs tiempo para que lo sepas, pero tengo miedo.
Miedo de que no quieras escucharme, de que lo olvides. Miedo de que lo desprecies. Debo decìrtelo, juntar fuerzas, tienes que saberlo porque yo ya no puedo contenerme pero... Tu no quieres oirme, estás sólo en tu mundo y no quieres dejarme entrar.
Voy a tener que guardarme las palabras, los sentimientos, mis sueños hasta que despiertes y me veas. Voy a seguir esperando... Esperándote.

5 de julio de 2010


I feel guilty
my words are empty
no signs to give you
i don't have the time for you
You say i'm heartless
and you say i don't care
i used to be there for you
and you've said i seem so dead, that i have changed
but so have you
Guilty, guilty i feel so
empty, empty you know how to make me feel
I put a shield upon you
i didn't mean to hurt you
i would have only poisoned your mind
never meant to make you cry
You've been so thoughtless
i can see right through you
you used to be there for me
so don't you leave say goodbye
cause you have changed but so have i
I never thought that the time and the distance between us make you so much colder.
i'll carry the world on my shoulders.

By: The Rasmus


I don't know where I'm at
I'm standing at the back
And I'm tired of waiting
I'm waiting here in line
I'm hoping that I'll find
What I've been chasing

I shot for the sky
I'm stuck on the ground
So why do I try?
I know I'm gonna fall down.
I thought I could fly
So why did I drown?
I'll never know why
Its coming down, down, down.

I'm not ready to let go
Cause then I'd never know
What I could be missing.
But I'm missing way too much
So when do I give up
What I've been wishing for?

I shot for the sky
I'm stuck on the ground
So why do I try?
I know I'm gonna fall down
I thought I could fly
So why did I drown?
I'll never know why
Its coming down, down, down.

Oh, I am going down, down, down.
I can't find another way around.
And I don't wanna hear that sound
Of losing what I never found.

I shot for the sky.
I'm stuck on the ground.
So why do I try?
I know I'm gonna fall down.
I thought I could fly
So why did I drown?
I'll never know why
Its coming down, down, down.

I shot for the sky
I'm stuck on the ground
So why do I try?
I know I'm gonna fall down.
I thought I could fly
So why did I drown?
Oh, its coming down, down, down.

By: Jason Walker

3 de julio de 2010


She's locked up with a spinning wheel
She can't recall what it was like to feel
She says, "This room's gonna be my grave
And there's no one who can save me,"
She sits down to her colored thread
She knows lovers waking up in their beds
She says, "How long can I live this way
Is there someone I can pay to let me go
'Cause I'm half sick of shadows
I want to see the sky
Everyone else can watch as the sun goes down
So why can't I
And it's raining
And the stars are falling from the sky
And the wind
And the wind I know it's cold
I've been waiting
For the day I will surely die
And it's here
And it's here for I've been told
That I'll die before I'm old
And the wind I know it's cold..."
She looks up to the mirrored glass
She sees a horse and rider pass
She says, "This man's gonna be my death
'Cause he's all I ever wanted in my life
And I know he doesn't know my name
And that all the girls are all the same to him
But still I've got to get out of this place
'Cause I don't think I can face another night
Where I'm half sick of shadows
And I can't see the sky
Everyone else can watch as the tide comes in
So why can't I
And it's raining
And the stars are falling from the sky
And the wind
And the wind I know it's cold
I've been waiting
For the day I will surely die
And it's here
And it's here for I've been told
That I'll die before I'm old
And the wind I know it's cold..."
But there's willow trees
And little breezes, waves, and walls, and flowers
And there's moonlight every single night
As I'm locked in these towers
So I'll meet my death
But with my last breath I'll sing to him I love
And he'll see my face in another place,"
And with that the glass above
Her cracked into a million bits
And she cried out, "So the story fits
But then I could have guessed it all along
'Cause now some drama queen is gonna write a song for me,"
She went down to her little boat
And she broke the chains and began to float away
And as the blood froze in her veins she said,
"Well then that explains a thing or two
'Cause I know I'm the cursed one
I know I'm meant to die
Everyone else can watch as their dreams untie
So why can't I
And it's raining
And the stars are falling from the sky
And the wind
And the wind I know it's cold
I've been waiting
For the day I will surely die
And it's here
And it's here for I've been told
That I'll die before I'm old
And the wind I know it's cold...
And it's raining
And the stars are falling from the sky
And the wind
And the wind I know it's cold
I've been waiting
For the day I will surely die
And it's here
And it's here for I've been told
That I'll die before I'm old
And the wind I know it's cold...

By: Emilie Autumn
